This guide will show you how to change the “Admin Area” options for your taxonomies. You can find this by visiting the Taxonomies screen and editing a taxonomy.
These five settings control how your taxonomy appears in the WordPress admin area:
- Show user interface: Should there be a visible interface in the WordPress admin area to manage these terms?
- Show in admin menus: Should there be links to this taxonomy in the WordPress admin menus?
- Show in frontend menus: Should this taxonomy be available for the frontend “Menus” and “Navigation” options?
- Show admin column: Should a column for this taxonomy appear on screens such as “Posts” and “Pages”?
- Show in “Quick Edit” and “Bulk Edit”: Should this taxonomy be available in editing tools on screens such as “Posts” and “Pages”?
- Show in Filter: Should this taxonomy be available in filters on screens such as “Posts” and “Pages”?