TaxoPress Support
Pro Members
TaxoPress members can log in and open a ticket. This is the fastest support option. Tickets are answered within 24 hours.
Use this option if you are not a member and do not need fast support. Questions may be answered within several days.
Use this option if you plan to join TaxoPress and have a pre-sales question. Please use another option for technical questions.
Bug Reports
If you have found a bug in the code of our plugins and want to report it, please open an issue on our Github account and follow the submission guidelines.
- This option is for genuine bugs that can be reproduced on other sites. This is not for support questions about your site. For questions about your site, please choose another option on this page.
- We will do our best, but make no guarantees around our responsiveness to Github issues.
Security Reports
We do our best at TaxoPress to solve all security issues. We aim to develop, test, release and announce patches as quickly as possible after issues have been discovered. Click here for details on how to report security issues.