TaxoPress News and Tutorials

You Can Now Schedule Auto Terms in TaxoPress

TaxoPress 3.28 is available now. The Free version is available on and TaxoPress members can download the Pro version from this website. We’re in December, so this will be our last big feature release of 2024. This release brings several big improvements. The biggest new features is for TaxoPress Pro users: an improved “Schedule”…

Remove the Default Tags and Categories Metaboxes in WordPress

When you write a WordPress post you’ll see three boxes in the right sidebar. There’s a “Post” area when you have options such as the post title, the author, the featured image and more. You’ll also find a “Categories” and “Tags” box. You can see both of those in the screenshot below. These boxes appear…

What Characters Can You Use in WordPress Taxonomy Terms?

WordPress Tags, Categories and other taxonomy terms are in important part of WordPress. They are the normal way to organize your WordPress content. However, terms are different from posts, media files, menus and other WordPress features. They are stored separately in the WordPress database. They have their own restrictions on what you can and can…

ChatGPT and OpenAI Pricing: Which Plans Have API Access?

OpenAI has a brand confusion problem at the moment. “OpenAI” is the name of the company. However, they have a product called “ChatGPT”, which is perhaps even more famous than the company itself. ChatGPT is a separate product with separate pricing from the main OpenAI service. When you log in to the OpenAI website, you’ll…

The Fastest and Easiest Way to Categorize Your WordPress Posts

TaxoPress has an exciting new feature that can scan your content and automatically assign relevant terms. This new feature is simply called “Existing Content”. This tool can scan large numbers of your current posts and add appropriate terms. If you have TaxoPress Free, you can add terms that are already on your site. If you…