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Introduction to Terms Display

The Terms Display feature in TaxoPress allows you to create a customizable display of all the terms in one taxonomy. With such a terms display you can show a cloud or list of the terms used on your site. For example, you can create a “Tag Cloud” showing all your WooCommerce product categories, or you can create a list of all the tags on bbPress topics.

The Terms Displays can be shown in three ways:

  1. With the “Terms Display” shortcode.
  2. With the “Terms Display” widget.
  3. TaxoPress can try and automatically add the terms to your content.

The image below shows an example cloud. The most frequently used terms are shown in a larger, darker font and less popular terms are shown smaller and lighter.

On the “Terms Display” screen, you’ll see all your term displays:

The Terms Display screen

You can click the title or the “Edit” link to edit the settings for this existing display. Or you can click “Add New” in the Pro version and add your own:

The "Add new Terms Display" screen

Every display can be shown in a shortcode, or inside a widget:

Widget display for a Tag Cloud

In this example below, we have WooCommerce on the site and are showing a cloud of the most popular terms in the “Product Tags” category.

WooCommerce product tags