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It is possible to add the “Terms for Current Post” output directly into your site’s PHP files.
Using the Shortcode in PHP #
The best approach is to use the PHP to include the shortcode inside a PHP snippet, as in this example below.
<?php echo do_shortcode("[taxopress_postterms id="1"]"); ?>
Using the Legacy PHP Code #
There is also a legacy option allows you to make choices directly in the PHP code. This feature extends WordPress built-in function “the_tags()”. This is the basic code snippet.
<?php st_the_tags(); ?>
Here are examples of how you can customize that basic code with more details:
'before' => __('Tags: ', 'simpletags'),
'separator' => ', ',
'after' => '<br />',
'post_id' => '',
'xformat' => __('<a href="%tag_link%" title="%tag_name%" %tag_rel%>%tag_name%</a>', 'simpletags'),
'notagtext' => __('No tag for this post.', 'simpletags'),
'number' => 0
Here are all the legacy code parameters:
- before
- (string) Text to display before the actual tags are displayed. Defaults to Tags:
- separator
- (string) Text or character to display between each tag link. The default is a comma (,) between each tag.
- after
- (string) Text to display after the last tag. The default is to display nothing.
- post_id
- (integer) Specified post ID for display tag posts (outside loop by example)
- xformat
- (string) Extended format of links. You can personalize the formatting of tag’s link. Available markups :
- tag_link – Replaced by the permalink of the tag
- tag_feed – Replaced by the RSS tag link
- tag_id – Replaced by the tag ID
- tag_name – Replaced by the tag’s name
- tag_name_attribute – Replaced by the tag’s name, formatted for attribute HTML
- tag_rel – Replaced by rel tag markup (creates : rel=”tag”)
- tag_technorati – Replaced by Technorati tag link
- tag_flickr – Replaced by Flickr tag link
- tag_delicious – Replaced by Del.ici.ous tag link
- (string) Extended format of links. You can personalize the formatting of tag’s link. Available markups :
- notagtext
- (string) Text to show, if there is no tag.
- number
- (integer) Limit tags output with this max number