What’s the Difference Between Linked Terms and Synonyms?

TaxoPress Pro has two features called “Synonyms” and “Linked Terms”. Both of these new features allow you to have multiple words associated with a single term. Here are the differences between the two features:

  • Synonyms: The extra words are not real terms. And those extra words can only be added to one term. For example, if your main term is “Apples” and the synonym is “Honeycrisp”, that synonym will not exist anywhere on your site. It will not have an archive page and users will be able to add it as a term.
Term Synonyms
  • Linked Terms: The extra words are real terms. And those extra words can be added to as many terms as you want. For example, if your main term is “Apples” and the linked term is “Honeycrisp”, that linked term will have an archive page and users will be able to add it as a term.
Linked Terms