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Tag Groups Shortcodes in Widgets

WordPress widgets do not always work correctly with shortcodes. However, we have made efforts in the Tag Groups plugin to support shortcodes in widgets.

The Original Shortcode Appears #

If you add a Tag Groups shortcode to a widget and only see the shortcode on the front of your site, try this:

  • Go to “Tag Groups”, then “Front End”, and look at the “Shortcodes” tab.
  • Try enabling the “Enable shortcode in sidebar widgets” option.

If You Don’t See Tabs or Accordions #

If you add test Tag Groups in widgets and can see some formats, but don’t see Tab or Accordion displays, try this:

  • Go to “Tag Groups”, then “Front End”, and look at the “Shortcodes” tab.
  • Make sure that “Always load shortcode scripts.” is activated.

If some tag clouds work, but others don’t, it’s also worth checking this article.