Changelog for Tag Groups Free and Pro

You can find the changelog for the free version by clicking this link to

You can find the changelog for the Pro version below:

= [2.0.4] - 29 Aug 2024 =
* Update: Add settings to enable Tag Groups and Terms endpoint for public access, #114

= [2.0.3] - 24 May 2023 =
* Fixed: [tag_groups_post_list] shortcode tag parameter not working with custom taxonomy tags, #86
* Fixed: Fatal error with post count, #69
* Fixed: Tag groups shortcode causing fatal error, #85
* Fixed: Remove Broken documentation links in Gutenberg blocks, #88
* Fixed: Remove "Try Premium" link, #76
* Updated: TAG GROUPS Spanish translation April 2023 update, #70
* Updated: TAG GROUPS French translation April 2023 update, #74

= [2.0.2] - 12 Apr 2023 =
* Update: Update Tag group admin sorting method, #52
* Update: Move "search for settings" on settings screens, #47
* Update: Update footer credit, #50
* Update: Update tag group admin "Add New button", #51
* Update: Remove large blank area on Admin screen, #53
* Update: Change top banner to blue color, #46
* Update: Change Upgrade to Pro links, #49

= [2.0.1] - 20 Mar 2023 =
* Update: Accessibility Improvements for settings area, #35
* Update: Update title icons, #31
* Update: Include an "Add New" button for taxonomy groups #34
* Fixed: Small " issue with sidebar promos, #30
* Update: Remove Beta Tester Feedback, #37

= [2.0.0] - 28 Feb 2023 =
* Update: TaxoPress Move and General cleanup
* Update: Added Pro sidebar, #24
* Update: Documentation link updates, #22
* Update: Remove the icons in Gutenberg blocks, #15
* Update: Merge the Tools and Troubleshooting tabs, #12
* Update: Remove 3 tabs from Troubleshooting, #11
* Update: Remove the "About" menu, #10
* Update: Remove freemius dependency, #8