Table of Contents
This guide shows you how to use and customize all the shortcodes for the Toggle Post Filter feature in the Tag Groups plugin.
Shortcodes #
This feature consists of several shortcodes that you can place at different locations of the page, including widgets. The main parts create the menu and the body (for the posts). Click here for more on the menu shortcode and click here for more on the posts shortcode.
There are also optional shortcodes:
- A field for messages that tell you how many posts were found. You can omit it and use only the notes that appear for some seconds in the top right corner.
This shortcode doesn’t have any parameters.
2. A reset button:
3. A menu to select the sort order:
4. A button to open the slider menu:
5. An additional text search field.
Note: Old shortcodes with the pattern tg_dpf_toggle_… still remain functional.
Example #
Here comes the filter part: [tag_groups_tpf_menu caching_time=60 display_amount=2 pager=1 persistent_filter=60 theme="dark" transition=fade operator="IN AND" layout="wide_tags"] How many posts we found: [tag_groups_tpf_messages] And the posts go to a place that is sufficiently large: [tag_groups_tpf_body theme="dark" layout="masonry"]