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Modifying the Post Query

This feature is still experimental.

In some cases you may want to modify the post query so that it returns only posts that have tags which belong to certain tag groups. You can use the filters tag_groups_modify_post_query_args to modify the post arguments that you pass to WP_Query or get_posts and tag_groups_modify_post_query to modify the post query that you pass to WP_Query.

1st Method: Filter the arguments #

The filter tag_groups_modify_post_query_args accepts up to three arguments:

  • The array of arguments for the post query. The element with the key “meta_query” will be overwritten.
  • An array or a comma-separated list of group IDs.
  • The logic relation between the group IDs (default: OR), alternatively AND.

Example #

In the following example you show only posts with tags that belong to the groups with the IDs 1 or 5:

// create the array of query parameters as usual
$args = array( 'author' => 12 );
// apply the filter on it, with additional filter parameters
$args = apply_filters( 'tag_groups_modify_post_query_args', $args, array(1,5), 'OR');
// use the arguments in your query
$posts = get_posts( $args );

2nd Method: Filter the query #

The filter tag_groups_modify_post_query accepts up to three arguments:

  • The WP Query object. The element with the key “meta_query” will be overwritten.
  • An array or a comma-separated list of group IDs.
  • The logic relation between the group IDs (default: OR), alternatively AND.

Example #

In the following example you show only posts with tags that belong to the groups with the IDs 1 or 5:

// instantiate the query object with your query parameters
$post_query = new WP_Query(array( 'author' => 12 ));
// apply the filter on it, with additional filter parameters
$post_query = apply_filters( 'tag_groups_modify_post_query', $post_query, array(1,5), 'OR');
// use the query