Dynamic Post Filter – Shortcode Parameters

This guide shows you how to use and customize the shortcode for the Dynamic Post Filter feature in the Tag Groups Pro plugin.

Note: This shortcode or block can only be used once on a page (including widgets), and it cannot be used together with the shortcode or block of the Dynamic Post Filter With Toggles.

Shortcode #


You can optionally display posts separated from the menu. Simply use in this shortcode separate=1 and add a second shortcode:


Example #

[tag_groups_dpf include=1,2,3,5 open=1,2,3,5 caching_time=60 persistent_filter=60 pager=1 display_amount=1 transition=fade]

Data Types #

  • string: A text. For identifiers that won’t be visible to visitors you often have to replace spaces with _ or -. If the string contains spaces, you need to wrap it in quotes.
  • integer: A number without decimal places.
  • 0 or 1: 0 turns the feature off and 1 on.

Parameters #

Tags and Terms #

taxonomy #

Restrict the tags only to these taxonomies. Available are only taxonomies that have been activated in the Settings.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
comma-separated list of taxonomy namesTaxonomies selected in the settings under “Basics”.taxonomy=post_tag,product_tag

operator #

The operator determines how selected tags and groups should be logically connected when searching for matching posts. Possible values are “IN”/”OR” (at least one tag is among the post tags), “AND” (all tags are among the post tags of the same group), “IN AND” (at least one tag from each group is among the post tags), “EXACT” (the selection of tags must be identical to the post tags of that same group, not more and not less; this option is not available for the option groups_only=1), or a per-group definition:

operator="all:OPERATOR|group ID:OPERATOR|group ID:OPERATOR| ..."

Remarks about the per-group notation:

  • You need at least one entry with the keyword “all”. The corresponding operator determines how the groups are connected.
  • OPERATOR can be AND, OR or EXACT (upper or lower case). IN is an alias of OR.
  • The order of groups doesn’t matter.
  • If you use this format of the operator, all groups that you don’t specify will fall back to the operator OR.

Note for the operator “exact”: If you upgrade from a version before 1.39.0, go to the settings, Troubleshooting and run the maintenance.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
stringIN/ORoperator="IN AND"

Groups #

include #

Tag groups that will be selectable by visitors. In the short code you use the IDs, which you find in the left column in the list of groups. Empty or not used means that all tag groups will be used.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
comma-separated list of integersempty (=all)include=1,5,9

open #

Tag groups that are initially open. If you use include, then all selected groups must also be included. Empty or not used means that all tag groups will be open.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
comma-separated list of integersempty (=all)open=1,9

hide_close_buttons #

Disables the possibility to remove the input fields of groups. You can use that option together with the include and open parameters if you want to show a fixed set of groups that cannot be altered by visitors.

accepted valuesdefaultexample

sumoselect #

Changes the default select menu to a more stylish one.

accepted valuesdefaultexample

groups_only #

Skip the tag selection and display all products that match the selected groups.

accepted valuesdefaultexample

Posts #

caching_time #

Time in minutes that results remain in the cache.

accepted valuesdefaultexample

posts_per_page #

How many posts appear under the filter. Use -1 to show all.

Please note that high numbers of posts may impact the performance.

Tip: If you use the parameter “display_amount” you can reduce the additional database request by using posts_per_page=-1 instead of a high number of posts.

accepted valuesdefaultexample

pager #

If the pager is enabled then visitors can load the next or previous page.

accepted valuesdefaultexample

orderby #

Which field to use for sorting.

randrandom order; recommended not to use with a pager/pagination
accepted valuesdefaultexample

order #

Whether to sort the posts in ascending or descending order. Ascending order also means from oldest to newest.

accepted valuesdefaultexample

display_amount #

Whether to display a line that shows the total amount of posts.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
0 or 10display_amount=1

template #

HTML code that contains some placeholders. If you use only one template on your entire website, it is recommended to leave this parameter empty and edit the default template in the Front End settings.

In order to prevent that WordPress parses the HTML and adds malformed <p></p> tags, it is recommended to encode it before using it.

Possible placeholders are: {post_id}, {post_title}, {permalink}, {post_excerpt} (automatically generated), {post_excerpt_html} (preserves most common html tags), {post_date}, {post_author}, {image_src} or {image_src|image size}, {image_alt}, {post_category}, {post_tags}, {custom_field:<name>}((A value from the post meta <name>.

image_src also accepts percentages or “auto” as values. If you want to use pixels, you enter the number without any “px”

accepted valuesdefaultexample
stringsee below

Default template:

<header class="tg-entry-header">
<a href="{permalink}" rel="bookmark"><img src="{image_src|100x100}" alt="{image_alt}" class="tg-entry-image" /></a>
<h3 class="tg-entry-title"><a href="{permalink}" rel="bookmark">{post_title}</a></h3>
Posted on {post_date} by {post_author}.
<div class="tg-entry-content"><p>{post_excerpt}</p></div>

Image sizes

The following formats are possible:

  • keywords like “thumbnail”, “medium”, “large” or any custom image size((Custom sizes may be registered by your theme or another plugin.)). This method provides the best performance when loading an image. You can change the sizes in the general Media settings of your WordPress site and then use a plugin such as Regenerate Thumbnails to generate the new sizes.
  • width and height, separated by “x”. On both sides you can use numbers (sizes in pixel), percentages or the keyword “auto”. The image loaded by the browser may actually be larger and scaled down.

Examples for the image tag:

<img src=”{image_src|medium}” alt=”{image_alt}” class=”tg-entry-image” />
<img src=”{image_src|100×150}” alt=”{image_alt}” class=”tg-entry-image” />
<img src=”{image_src|100%×auto}” alt=”{image_alt}” class=”tg-entry-image” />

transition #

Transition between loading the list of posts.

accepted valuesdefaultexample

static_taxonomy #

Optionally filter also by terms of an additional taxonomy (not necessarily one of the taxonomies used for tag groups). Used together with static_terms.

accepted valuesdefaultexample

static_terms #

Optionally filter also by terms of an additional taxonomy (not necessarily one of the taxonomies used for tag groups). Used together with static_taxonomy.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
comma-separated list of integersnonestatic_terms=42,255

Other #

persistent_filter #

The Dynamic Post Filter can optionally remember the selection of groups and tags so that your visitors who clicked on an article and then return to this page will see the same list of articles again. After loading, the page will scroll to the group selection menu. (Otherwise the browser might go to a random post, depending on the loading speed.)

The data is saved in a browser cookie. If you use several Dynamic Post Filters on your site, you should give each a different div_id so that each will have its own cookie.

The value is the time in minutes. Zero means off.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
integer0 (off) persistent_filter=30

Labels and Messages #

placeholder #

Placeholder message in the tag input field. It disappears as soon as you enter tags.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
string“Please enter your tags here.”placeholder=""

posts_placeholder #

Placeholder message for the list of posts.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
string“Please select a group.”posts_placeholder=""

default_option_label #

What the pull-down menu should show if no group is selected.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
string“Filter by group”default_option_label=""

groups_header #

Header above the list of selected groups.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
string“Selected groups:”groups_header=""

message_only_existing #

Error message if user tries to enter a tag that doesn’t exist.

accepted valuesdefaultexample

message_same_group #

Error message if user tries to enter a tag from another group.

accepted valuesdefaultexample

message_nothing_found #

Message to show if no posts were found.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
string“Nothing found.”message_nothing_found=""

message_load_more #

Label of the link to load more posts, if the pager is active.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
string“Load more”message_load_more=""

message_go_back #

Label of the link to go back, if the pager is active.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
string“Go back”message_go_back=""

message_amount_singular #

Message if one post was found, if display_amount is active.

accepted valuesdefaultexample
string“1 post found.”message_amount_singular="One recipe found."

message_amount_plural #

Message if many posts were found, if display_amount is active. May contain the placeholder {count}

accepted valuesdefaultexample
string“{count} posts found.”message_amount_plural="We found {count} recipes."

Advanced Styling #

You can set here classes to be referred to in CSS. You need some knowledge of CSS to use these options.

div_class #

Define a class for the <div>.

accepted valuesdefaultexample

div_id #

Define an ID for the enclosing <div>.

accepted valuesdefaultexample