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Change the Icons on Tags Under Posts

This guide will show you how to change the style of the Tag Groups that appear underneath posts.

Use the following CSS in your Customizer -> CSS or your style.css to add a tag icon in front of each tag. The Dashicon used here is “f323”. You can find a new icon and the related number by visiting the Dashicons guide on

For example, a “site” icon is “f319” and a “comments” icon is “f101”.

.tag-groups-premium-post-tags-table td a {
  text-decoration: none;

.tag-groups-premium-post-tags-table td a:before {
  content: "\f323";
  font-family: Dashicons;
  margin: 0 .2em 0 .4em;
  padding-right: .1em;
  padding-left: .5em;

The output using “f323” as a Dashicon will be like this screenshot below: