Auto Terms

This feature allows WordPress to examine your post content and title for specified terms and automatically add those terms to the post.

Here’s an example of how it works:

  • You add “WordPress” to the keywords list in TaxoPress.
  • If your post content or title contains the word “WordPress”, then TaxoPress will automatically add “WordPress” as a term for this post.

Automatically Create New Terms for bbPress Topics

TaxoPress has a feature which can analyze your content and automatically create new terms. This is very useful for anyone who creates a lot of content, such as community sites with bbPress.

This feature can work with any taxonomy and post type, including bbPress Topics. In this guide, I’ll show you how to automatically create “Topics Tags” for bbPress topics.

TaxoPress Pro Can Automatically Create Terms for All Your WordPress Content

TaxoPress Pro has a new feature which can analyze your content and automatically create new terms. This will be very useful for anyone who add a lot of content on their WordPress site. Let’s see an example of how this new feature works. I’ve created a new post, using the text from the “About Us”…