TaxoPress 3.1 Allows You to Show Related Posts in WordPress

TaxoPress 3.1 is now available for download in both Free and Pro versions. This release improves how TaxoPress can display related posts. This is a great feature to encourage users to stay on your site, and it can also help your site’s SEO.

Here’s the very short explanation of this feature … If your post has the tag “WordPress”, then TaxoPress will show other posts with the term “WordPress”.

The longer version is that “Related Posts” feature works by checking for any shared taxonomy terms. If your post has the terms “Vegetables” and “Food”, then this feature will likely display other posts that also have the terms “Vegetables” and “Food”. The more terms that are shared, the more likely a post is to show.

Here are four key changes to “Related Posts” in version 3.1:

  1. Use any taxonomy or post type: In previous versions, you could only use the “Tags” taxonomy in your Related Posts. Now it’s possible to show any taxonomy attached to any post type.
  2. Create multiple displays: In previous versions, you could only create one “Related Posts” box. In the Pro version of TaxoPress, you can create as many displays as you want.
  3. New “Related Posts” area: Instead of being hidden in “Settings”, the displays now have their own screen called “Related Posts”.
  4. New widget: You can use widgets to show a “Related Posts” box.

Because of these changes, it’s now easy to use “Related Posts” in the Gutenberg editor. You can search for and insert a block into your Gutenberg posts, as shown in the image below:

In fact, here’s a real live example of a Related Posts block:

What else can you do with “Related Posts”?

I’m excited about these changes because they open up many more options for “Related Posts”.

For example, you can now use this feature to show related WooCommerce products. In this example below, I’m choosing the post type “Products” from WooCommerce and the related posts will be driven by the “Product tags” taxonomy.

WooCommerce Product Tags

Here’s another example, this showing related content from across our entire WordPress site.

  • In the TaxoPress plugin, click “Taxonomies” and edit the “Tags” taxonomy.
  • Under “Post Type” you can assign the “Tags” taxonomy to all your post types.
  • Now you can use “Related Posts” to show content from all areas of your WordPress site. TaxoPress will pull content from any post type and show it in the “Related Posts” feature. If a Post, a Page, and a WooCommerce product all have the same term, TaxoPress can understand that and show them together in “Related Posts”:
Show all post types

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