Author: Steve Burge

How to Show WordPress Posts With a Specific Taxonomy Term

We had an interesting question from a TaxoPress user: “Do your plugins provide any method for displaying a list of posts assigned to a category?” For example, if you have 10 posts with the term “Fruit”, this feature would display those 10 posts. This is possible with the default taxonomy archives but those are pages…

How to Choose Default Taxonomy Terms in WordPress

When you install a new WordPress site, there are two taxonomies (Categories and Tags) and one term (Uncategorized). Every WordPress post must have at least one category. By default, this required category is “Uncategorized“, but that name isn’t useful or relevant for most sites. So in this guide, we’ll show you how to replace “Uncategorized”….

What Characters Are Allowed in WordPress Taxonomy Terms?

WordPress Tags, Categories and other taxonomy terms are in important part of WordPress. They are the normal way to organize your WordPress content. However, terms are different from posts, media files, menus and other WordPress features. They are stored separately in the WordPress database. They have their own restrictions on what you can and can…